Aktuelle Podcast Episode

"Kultur beginnt im Herzen jedes Einzelnen"

- Johann Nepomuk Nestroy -

Dienstag, 21. November 2017

Beat-Club und DandySaloon

Bands die im Beat-Club bzw. DandySaloon in Goddelau gespielt haben

The Starfighters, Tramps, Wander - Words, Scarcrows, Gentlemens, Shamerocks (England), Shamerocks (Schweden), Marmelades, Adam & Eve, Casey Jones & The Governors, Norman`s Cobras, Yes, Beatnicks, Rag Dolls, The Scratch, Copycats, Guardians, Giants, Magic Children, Heart In Action, Disturbance, Mike Cotton Sound, Inspiration Six, Beatstalkers, American Soul Octet, Crispian St. Peters, Mercy New, Rattles (ohne Achim reichel), Rocket-Men, The Mozarts, Die Hexer, Daisy Winter, Die Kobras, The Sounders, The Numbers, Shadocks, Fabolous Flaires, Monsoons, Excelsior, The Cheats, Ronny & His Flippers, The Risings, The Jaguars, Incrowds, The Lonlys, The Guys, The Cheats, The Details, The Cleftons, The Yankees, The Phantoms, The Flames, The Rovers Ltd., The Cricket`s Five, The Mohocks

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